WEB Editorship
Redaction (Correction)
Redaction 250 words (1 page) $ 5
- Necessary arrangements are made according to the size of the book.
- Editing front pages
- Editing headings and paragraphs
- Making the page layout suitable for the guide,
- Elimination of speech disorders,
- Ensuring the integrity of meaning and logic,
- Bringing fluency to the work,
- Elimination of punctuation errors,
- Correction of typos,
- Communication of detected academic errors.
Edition (Writing)
Edition (Writing) 250 words (1 page) $10
- Compliance with the expression required by the field,
- Title, sub-title, introduction, conclusion, table, diagram, graphic, source and bibliography, citation control
- Person identifiers, non-personalized structure, roof control
- Controlling phrases to avoid
- Control of metadiscourse expressions